
Sounding Stories

An artwork of a robin by Sonny Bean

Guiding Questions

Who gets to have silence?
How does silence make meaning?
What does rest sound like?
How might sound resist or disrupt?
What is the difference between music and noise?
What kind of work does music do?
What are we communicating with our voices?
An artwork of a butterfly by Sonny Bean

Further Readings

Rice, C., Bailey, K. A., & Cook, K. (2021). Mobilizing Interference as Methodology and Metaphor in Disability Arts Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry.

Sawyer, & Osei-Kofi, N. (2020). “Listening” With Gothenburg’s Iron Well: Engaging the Imperial Archive Through Black Feminist Methodologies and Arts-Based Research. Feminist Review, 125(1), 54–61.

Wimpenny, Gouzouasis, P., & Benthall, K. (2018). Remembering, Reflecting, Returning: A Return to Professional Practice Journey Through Poetry, Music and Images. Media Practice and Education, 19(1), 98–115.
An artwork of a squirrel by Sonny Bean


details of an artwork by Sonny Bean featuring 2 flowers

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