
Assembling Stories

An artwork of a robin by Sonny Bean

Guiding Questions

What words or phrases are most important to your story?
What sounds are most important to your story?
What does your story reveal?
What does it conceal?
How does your story feel?
Where are the moments of emergence?
Where are the moments of tension in your story?
How do the images in your story relate to each other?
How do the sounds relate?
Where are the moments of pause in your story?
An artwork of a butterfly by Sonny Bean

Further Readings

Rice, C., Chandler, E., Harrison, E., Liddiard, K., & Ferrari, M. (2015). Project Re•Vision: Disability at the edges of representation. Disability & Society, 30(4), 513-527.

Rice, C., Dion, S. D., Fowlie, H., & Breen, A. (2020). Identifying and working through settler ignorance. Critical Studies in Education. Access Copy
An artwork of a squirrel by Sonny Bean


details of an artwork by Sonny Bean featuring 2 flowers

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