Re•Vision Story-Making website is part of Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice, founded in 2012 by Dr. Carla Rice, Canada Research Chair in Feminist Studies and Social Practice in the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences at the University of Guelph. It is an arts methodology research hub at the University of […]
Category: main
Assembling Stories
What words or phrases are most important to your story? What sounds are most important to your story? What does your story reveal? What does it conceal? How does your story feel? Where are the moments of emergence? Where are the moments of tension in your story? How do the images in your story relate […]
Assembling Stories
Art: Sonny BeanOnce all of the elements of a digital story are in place, the film is ready for export. Tutorial: Exporting in WeVideo Exported films can be found under the Exports tab in your project folder. Back Next
Assembling Stories
Image: Aly BaileyCaptioning There are dynamic and innovative ways to improve accessibility through captioning or transcribing a story for those who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing. Captions and text can also play an important storytelling device, adding additional layers of meaning to the story. In the story below, the captions add a playful quality […]
Assembling Stories
Photo: Michelle PeekEditing and special effects offer another layer of options in terms of storytelling possibilities. Once a storyteller has their visual and audio elements selected and on their timeline, they can begin to conceptualize the relationship between image and audio at different points in their story. As mentioned in the working with visual materials […]
Assembling Stories
WeVideo is an online video editing platform that allows for collaborative approaches to digital storytelling and is the main story construction tool we use in online digital storytelling workshops. Throughout these modules we have included video tutorials that explain how Re•Vision uses WeVideo in our online workshops. Back Next
Assembling Stories
Orienting to Story
Photo: Michelle Peek | Art: Cripping the Arts Brownton AbbeyDrawing on Re•Vision’s collaborative work with Urban Indigenous, Inuit, Queer, nonbinary, trans, and disability-identified artists and communities, Re•Vision considers the power of story-making methods to (re)author identities and selves, and the potential of well-crafted and well-curated stories to create systemic change. Although participants engage in a […]
Orienting to Story
What makes the Re•Vision process unique is the focus on multimedia stories as research creation and knowledge mobilization methods and art as activism. Participants in the storytelling workshops create multimedia stories, which are short videos (2-3 minutes) that pair audio recordings of personal stories with visuals and soundscapes. This work is accomplished through REDLAB which […]
Orienting to Story